Monday, May 24, 2010

Enchanted Insomnia

Well it's 4 am here and despite the anti-axiety pills and the Ambien, I can't sleep. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get a good night's sleep ever again. My dog is sound asleep (as usual). Why can't I be more like her?

It looks like my mom's second marriage is on the edge. I see the same sign I now see where going on between me and Nick. Not enough time together, and my mom hurts so bad that she gets cranky, and my Stepdad is getting sick of it. He said the other day that for the last two years, she hasn't been the woman he married. I can understand that and I can even see it, but I know how gut wrenching it can be to hear it. This is their problem and I can't let it bother me, but it does.

Ya know, TV at this hour really sucks. Shitty news casts or infomercials. That's because any decent human should be in bed. All the good shows have now come to an end for the summer hiatus. Oh! and LOST has FINALLY gone off the air. God, after the 3rd season, I gave up on it. I couldn't stand another minute. Shit, I just thought of something... did I miss Criminal Minds season finale? Crap! I'm in newly found love with Dr Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler). I never knew how fuckin' cool he was until I saw him out of character on a dvd extra. Yep I'm in love. Don't worry, I will always be in love with House, but damn...

Well I'm off to try this sleeping thing again. A bientot.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

An enchanted life of Boredom

I can't think of a more boring Saturday. I started studying bibomolecules and fell asleep. Then moved on to Criminal Minds dvds and had seen them all, then House dvds (seen them all as well), then It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia dvds (seen them) and now I've decided to take a nap while listening to Emme play in the background. Thanks to Klonopin! Prescription drugs to the rescue again!